We welcome you to join us as a UCMAS Franchise!
UCMAS Abacus, with its 27+ years of global experience with its presence in over 80+ countries and having touched the lives of more than 25,00,000 students through its 6000+ centers across the globe till date, is the perfect partner one can choose in case they want to start their own entrepreneurial journey in education.
UCMAS Learning Centers serve a real need of the hour today – to boost child development and brain power in kids aged 4 to 13. UCMAS Abacus offers them Visual Arithmetic and Abacus training which strengthens their memory, concentration and focus, increases self-confidence and leads to greater proficiency in math skills and overall academic achievement.

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UCMAS Abacus
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Six - Finger Technique
Learning Styles
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Learning Styles
The UCMAS Program is designed to develop the integrated and motoring functions from both sides of the brain.
Better focus and concentration coupled with enhanced creativity and memory help students swiftly determine the component parts of a problem and devise a viable solution – and not just in Math – but in navigating effectively through every day life.
At UCMAS we focus on the following set of Abacus learning styles:

Learning Style
VISUAL Learning
Forming and recalling images of numbers through abacus beads activates this style.

Learning Style
Listening exercises and classroom instruction helps to activate this style of learning.

Learning Style
Touching the Abacus and constantly moving the beads tend to utilize the sense of touch.

In a UCMAS class, which lasts for nearly 2 hours i.e. 120 minutes, these three learning styles are given equal importance during class hours.
Nearly 40 minutes is dedicated for each learning style for every each child making it a total of 120 minutes at the end and consequently making the class more fun and engaging!