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UCMAS Abacus, with its 27+ years of global experience with its presence in over 80+ countries and having touched the lives of more than 25,00,000 students through its 6000+ centers across the globe till date, is the perfect partner one can choose in case they want to start their own entrepreneurial journey in education.
UCMAS Learning Centers serve a real need of the hour today – to boost child development and brain power in kids aged 4 to 13. UCMAS Abacus offers them Visual Arithmetic and Abacus training which strengthens their memory, concentration and focus, increases self-confidence and leads to greater proficiency in math skills and overall academic achievement.

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Research on UCMAS

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

University of California, San Diego, USA
Research Study: Mental Abacus represents large exact numerosities using pre-existing visual resources
Authors: Michael C. Frank and David Barner
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University of Manchester, England, UK

Ulster University, N. Ireland

University of Khartoum, Sudan
Research Study: Effects of Abacus Training on the Intelligence of Sudanese Children
Authors: Dr. Omar Khaleefa, Dr. Paul Irwing, Dr. Alya Hamaza, Dr. Richard Lynn
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Stanford University,

University of Chicago,

University of California, San Diego, USA
Research Study: The Role of Gesture in Supporting Mental Representations: The Case of Mental Abacus Arithmetic
Authors: Neon B. Brooks, David Barner, Michael Frank, Susan Goldin-Meadow
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